In the Good Samaritan story,.there was a man who was on his way for a journey attacked by robbers and he was beaten up, leaving him half dead. One day, it so happened that a religious man (know what to do) was passing by the road; but when he saw the man, he walked by on the other side. In the same way a Well-known man (know how to do) also passing by, when over and looked at the man, and then walked on the other side. But an Action Oriented man who was traveling that way came upon the man, and when he saw him, his heart was filled with pity. He went over him, cleans his wounds and bandaged them; then he took him to an inn, where he takes care of him.
Who is this Action Oriented man? He is the man who knows what to do and how to do and take ACTION. You probably heard someone said 'I want to reduce my weight within these 3 months' while keep going to KFC and ordered Chicken Double Cheese burger for breakfast. He knows what to do; lose some weight. He knows how to do; take simple breakfast, reduce cholesterol intake, exercises etc. But he lack of something- follow up action for his word.
What are the things that you knew you need to do it but until now still hesitate or procrastinate to do it? What are the ‘wish’ prayers that you need to act upon? Is it- loss some weight, writing a books, helping people, say 'thank you' to your boss, kiss your mom, or hug your dad, finish your homework/assignment when you promise your teacher/lecturer to pass it next week, read the Bible, stop smoking, say 'hi' to your neighbor, cook at home, belanja others makan etc.
When Jesus said 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself' to the people, he then told a parable and concluded, "In your opinion, which one of these 3 acted like a neighbor toward the man attacked by the robbers?" (Luke 10:36) They answered 'The one who was kind to him'. I love this. Jesus replied, "You GO, then, and DO the same."
At time, I may fall short in what I do in regard to what I said and - you may too. Yet let’s remember, as long as we are still sober and wise, let's our "Action speaks louder than words". Anthony Robbins said "Action is what produces results". With this opportunity I would like to ask, do you want to know Jesus Christ personally? If you want, take this action now. Get that Bible, read it out, pray for understanding and experience it for yourself first hand. Take ACTION now.

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