Pastor Dr. Phillip Lyn said a story when he was in Sabah (probably 10 years ago), a story which he told with much passion and some element of humor that creates his story very attractive- lovely and meaningful. As he sat down at food store enjoying his meal, he saw a beggar went from table to table scrabbling some left over to a plastic bag. The owner of this stall well of course chased him away, you see, it was bad for his business. He said that the beggar was very 'dirty'. He has a long beard, his shirts all over was a mess and 'yuck!’ He said that his appetite was reduced to zero as he continued perceived this man doing his business and the shout of the owner chasing him away was so loud that he can't ignored such noise.
At one moment he said suddenly his heart was 'touch' to treat this man a meal. So he invited this man to sit near to him and he asked him, "What do you want to eat? How can I help you?” The stall owner come in when he called for order (though he at first insisted to 'entertains' this beggar but soon soften his heart because you see, it was good for his business). Mr. Phillip wish that he would ask for RM5 and go away, but instead the beggar said, "I want Nasi Goreng Ayam (fried chicken rice)..." Well, it such a relieved for him to know that... not until the bagger continued, "... err, I want chicken drumstick too!” "What??? Oh, I which he would just asking me for RM5 instead", Mr. Phillip said to himself.
7 minutes later, his ordered finally arrived. As soon as the plate touching the table, he rushed to the food and ate it like hyena. Rice was spill all over the table; chicken was 'clean' 100% pure bone! For an instant, the beggar finished his 'happy' meal, (probably after licked the plate off) move himself away from his chair and without saying good bye- he just went away... just like that... no thanks... oh, young Phillip said to us, his collar suddenly filled with 'heat'. "That's it? No thanks!' A moment later, the stall owner gives a 'helpful' commentary, "I said don't help beggars here. They are all the same, ruin my business and never appreciate anyone. They don't want to work. They like a dog! Don't help them.' After paid the bills, he moved to his car and checking left and right if the beggar would come back and thanks him for the help. No he said to us, with his high tone voice and my collar 'heat' all the way back.
Maybe on his way in his car or somewhere else, I just can't remember where he been when he said that he was 'touch' again in his heart regarding to the old, stinky, mess up and poor beggar. 'I'm very mad now, Lord. How could he just walk by just like that? At least, he said thanks!’ he poured out his disappointments in his prayer. It was honest. He said, "as I’m struggle with it, the Lord reminded me of the Scripture in Matthew 25.’You did it to me', Jesus said to me. I was stunned and don't know what to say. I cried and lifted my hand to heaven, praise the Lord and asking for forgiveness.'
He told us in his sermon 'A theme song for the Church' a 'song' that we need to 'sing' now as a Christian is to act justly and to love mercy. A 'song' in deeds and acts in respond to His Goodness to us. He soon shared what does to love mercy mean. It is to S.T.O.P.:-
Helping the Special,
Providing for the Torn,
Visiting the Oppressed,
Giving generously to the Poor
I did some editing and summaries his story above in one way or another as I'm only listening and reflected it this evening but I hope that his main concern in his sharing today would move our faith into actions. Before he finished his sermon, he challenged us with this question: When is the last time you serve the poor?
The Lord want to tell us today about how to 'sing' His 'song' to the world, to Malaysia and to the place where we are now. Jesus said,
At one moment he said suddenly his heart was 'touch' to treat this man a meal. So he invited this man to sit near to him and he asked him, "What do you want to eat? How can I help you?” The stall owner come in when he called for order (though he at first insisted to 'entertains' this beggar but soon soften his heart because you see, it was good for his business). Mr. Phillip wish that he would ask for RM5 and go away, but instead the beggar said, "I want Nasi Goreng Ayam (fried chicken rice)..." Well, it such a relieved for him to know that... not until the bagger continued, "... err, I want chicken drumstick too!” "What??? Oh, I which he would just asking me for RM5 instead", Mr. Phillip said to himself.
7 minutes later, his ordered finally arrived. As soon as the plate touching the table, he rushed to the food and ate it like hyena. Rice was spill all over the table; chicken was 'clean' 100% pure bone! For an instant, the beggar finished his 'happy' meal, (probably after licked the plate off) move himself away from his chair and without saying good bye- he just went away... just like that... no thanks... oh, young Phillip said to us, his collar suddenly filled with 'heat'. "That's it? No thanks!' A moment later, the stall owner gives a 'helpful' commentary, "I said don't help beggars here. They are all the same, ruin my business and never appreciate anyone. They don't want to work. They like a dog! Don't help them.' After paid the bills, he moved to his car and checking left and right if the beggar would come back and thanks him for the help. No he said to us, with his high tone voice and my collar 'heat' all the way back.
Maybe on his way in his car or somewhere else, I just can't remember where he been when he said that he was 'touch' again in his heart regarding to the old, stinky, mess up and poor beggar. 'I'm very mad now, Lord. How could he just walk by just like that? At least, he said thanks!’ he poured out his disappointments in his prayer. It was honest. He said, "as I’m struggle with it, the Lord reminded me of the Scripture in Matthew 25.’You did it to me', Jesus said to me. I was stunned and don't know what to say. I cried and lifted my hand to heaven, praise the Lord and asking for forgiveness.'
Micah 6:8, 'He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?'
He told us in his sermon 'A theme song for the Church' a 'song' that we need to 'sing' now as a Christian is to act justly and to love mercy. A 'song' in deeds and acts in respond to His Goodness to us. He soon shared what does to love mercy mean. It is to S.T.O.P.:-
Helping the Special,
Providing for the Torn,
Visiting the Oppressed,
Giving generously to the Poor
I did some editing and summaries his story above in one way or another as I'm only listening and reflected it this evening but I hope that his main concern in his sharing today would move our faith into actions. Before he finished his sermon, he challenged us with this question: When is the last time you serve the poor?
The Lord want to tell us today about how to 'sing' His 'song' to the world, to Malaysia and to the place where we are now. Jesus said,
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.' (Matthew 25:35-40)... you did it to me.