I was reading one of powerful stories from Richard Wurmbrand's Tortured for Christ (1969) about how he witnessed to a Russian lady officer on the street during the communist period in Romania. "I know that it is impolite to accost an unknown lady on the street, but I am a pastor and my intentions are earnest. I wish to speak to you about Christ," Wurmbrand said as he approached her. She asked, "Do you love Christ?" "Yes!" he replied passionately, "From all my heart." She fell into his arms and kissed him again and again. It was an embarrassing situation to do this in public, so he kissed her back, hoping people would think they were relatives. She exclaimed joyfully, "I love Christ too!"
He then took her home to meet his wife and talked to her where it was safer. He read to her selected Scripture passages. Along the way, he discovered that she knew nothing (Biblical facts, Gospel stories, what the Saviour and salvation mean) about Christ - absolutely nothing - except the Name. And yet she loved Him. He wondered, "How can you love somebody if you know only his name?" When he inquired, she explained, "As a child, I was taught to read by pictures. For an 'a' there was an apple, for a 'b' there was a bell, for a 'c' a cat, and so on. When I went to high school, I was taught my holy duty to defend the communist fatherland. I was taught about communist morals. But I did not know what a 'holy duty' or 'moral' looked like. I needed a picture for these."
"Now I knew that our forefathers had a picture for everything beautiful, praiseworthy, and truthful in life," she continued. "My grandmother always bowed down before this picture, saying it was the picture of one called 'Cristos' (Christ). And I loved this name by itself. This name became so real to me! Just to say this name gave one such joy!" Wurmbrand commented in the book: "Listening to her, I remembered what is written in Philippians that at His Name every knee should bow. Perhaps, the anti-Christ will be able for a time to erase from the world the knowledge of God. But there is power in the simple Name of Christ (Jesus) and this will lead to the light."
That day, the lady officer found (and was found by) Christ in the pastor's home and since then, the One whose name she loved lived in her heart in person. So, what does this story have to do with reading books, especially the Scripture? The goal is to know the personhood of God, and the primary means, special revelation, is through the Book. Secondly, through books about the God of the Book. Read and be led to the light! May you find the joy of knowing Christ. From pictures to words to Person.
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