Before I became a full-time staff worker, I used to listened to hours of the late Adrian Rogers' sermons when I was working in Kuala Lumpur on the way to work and back using public transportation. I was not a serious Christian, I didn't go to church regularly, and I lived a rebellious lifestyle. I was like sinful king Herod who loved to listen to John the Baptist even though he became greatly disturbed every time he heard him preach (Mark 6:20). But instead of beheading Adrian Rogers, I bought this book to learn more about the Book of Revelation that he passionately preached in a weekly series through the Love Worth Finding radio ministry. I cannot say I was convinced during that time (still skeptical and dabbling with the world philosophies), but it does spark my interest to read the 'weirdest' book of the Bible firsthand.
Fast forward 14 years later(?), I'm rereading this book. Now that I have more knowledge of the Bible, become matured in the faith, have more experience in life, and have a better understanding of our time, I can grasp much more truths taught in this book. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit uses it to open my spiritual eyes to understand the big picture of the Book of Revelation when I read it. I was blind, but now I see! Men of God like Adrian Rogers, David Pawson, Chuck Missler, Tim LaHaye, and John MacArthur have been a great help for me in deciphering the Book of Revelation (learn widely but weigh their teachings wisely). As I look back, I'm amazed how God led me to read this book and be interested in the subject all over again. There are three (3) main reasons: 1) I was researching for my exposition Bible study podcast on Matthew chapter 24 on the end times and suddenly remembered that I have this book somewhere inside a box in my library; 2) Currently, I'm doing an audio recording chapter by chapter on the Book of Revelation in Bahasa Iban, and along the way, questions arise, and so I need to find answers; and 3) When I watch the news of what is happening in the world today like the pandemic, wars, global warming, society breakdown, political chaos, restriction laws, the rise of technology, extreme narcissistic behavior in social media, etc. I cannot help but see signs of Biblical prophecies, particularly in the Book of Revelation, on the end times are being fulfilled before my eyes.
Although I'm concerned and curious about what will happen next, I'm not afraid of the future as a Christ-follower. I know for sure who holds it (the past and the present too!), namely, the sovereign God of the Bible. Some things in the Book of Revelation will remain a mystery to me and will not be known until they are unfolded. But as Adrian Rogers said, the bottom line is this: "Jesus is coming, and I am certain of that and very, very glad. I have resigned from the program committee, and have moved over to the welcoming committee. Even so, come Lord Jesus!" Pastor Rogers writes in straightforward language, clear exposition but not too details, from a devotional point of view, and the outlines - like his sermons - are easy to follow. (For serious study, I recommend reading classic commentaries from e-Sword or Logos Bible apps). At the beginning of the book, Pastor Rogers straightaway tells the reader that he is a "convinced pretribulation premillennialist." I like that. No more guesswork! I haven't decided either to subscribe to premillennialism or amillennialism. No rush. What's more urgent and important is this, our Lord Jesus Christ declares: "Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (Revelation 22:12). Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!
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