The Leader’s Greatest
Return: Attracting, Developing, and Multiplying Leaders (2020)
by John C. Maxwell
When I heard from a podcast that Maxwell’s newest book already arrived, I straightaway went to the bookstore and get it! One day I read this book at the coffee shop and my friend came to meet me. He was so shocked to see that the price is – RM59.90. He took the book from my hand and inspect the covers, thickness, and weight. After the inspection, he declares: “I can buy 3 meals with that money!” This is the classic clash of our values. He focuses on the loss; I focus on the gain. He thinks about his stomach; I think about my mind. He cannot afford to lose money; I cannot afford to be ignorant. Of course, if I can borrow this book or find the audiobook, I might do it. But since I want to grow in my leadership, a small price for knowledge and wisdom is reasonable. I love Desiderius Erasmus’s quote: “When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.”
My judgment might be super bias - I love this book. Many so-called leaders don’t develop others to become their successors. In fact, for most people, the thought doesn’t even cross their minds. I’ve been in a position where my leaders don’t even intentionally equip me but 'hoping' that someday I will take the leadership position. It was just a talk, no follow up. Such an attitude is rampant around us. No wonder if you look at the government, the organizations, and churches today, there is always a leadership deficit. Mr. Maxwell says the United States doesn’t have enough good leaders – but I say, in Malaysia, we are experiencing a leadership famine. Yes, there are examples of good leadership in Malaysia, but very rare… or perhaps I’m too pessimistic. It's time for a new generation of young people to expose themselves to good leadership (books, mentors, examples), invest in their growth and as they become mature – develop leaders. Even the-not-so-young people who are reading this, it’s not too late to invest in others. But of course, the earlier you do it the better.
“The good news is that,” assured Mr. Maxwell, “leaders can be developed, and everyone wins when leaders develop other good leaders.” It will be challenging, take a long time and we will (no doubt) make mistakes but the Return of Investment (O.R.I.) is worthwhile. As I read this book, I’m convinced and compelled to develop the leaders around me. When I teach, I inform others. When I lead, I inspired others. When I develop leaders, I empowered a team. And with a team, we can achieve our dream. I may not (or couldn’t) follow all the process outline in this book, but I’m applying what I can for now. Thanks, John! “Success for leaders can be defined as the maximum utilization of the abilities of those working with them. There’s one way for a leader to help people maximize their abilities and reach their potential, and that is to help them develop as leaders.” How to do it? There are ten (10) steps: 1) IDENTIFYING LEADERS, 2) ATTRACTING LEADERS, 3) UNDERSTANDING LEADERS, 4) MOTIVATING LEADERS, 5) EQUIPPING LEADERS, 6) EMPOWERING LEADERS, 7) POSITIONING LEADERS, 8) MENTORING LEADERS, 9) REPRODUCING LEADERS, and 10) COMPOUNDING LEADERS. Skip 3 meals and buy this book!
#ServeToLead #1Book1Week #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeader #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #JohnCMaxwell #TheLeadersGreatestReturn

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