What I Believe (1925) by Bertrand Russell
For Bertrand Russell, the
leading philosopher of the 20th century, nothing is sacred. Sex,
morality, politics, society – all are fair games for him. I wish to read his
tick and massive volume of History of Western
Philosophy but I have to say no for now. But I will read his second famous
book, Why I am not a Christian (Once
Russell was declared unfit or ‘heretic’ to teach college-level philosophy
because of his attacked on organized religion).
In this short book or
rather essay, Russell attempts to say what he think of man’s place in the
universe and possible way of achieving the good life. This is how he sums up
his idea of what constitutes a life well-lived: “My view is this: The good life is
one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Knowledge and love are both
indefinitely extensible; therefore, however good a life may be, a better life
can be imagined. Neither love without knowledge, nor knowledge without love can
produce a good life.”
No doubt, Russell was an
agnostic-atheist. But he was also the great champion of humanism and rational
thought. On human rights and ethical issues, for example, on the criminal
justice system, he maintains that “Suffering
to the criminal can never be justified by the notion of vindictive punishment.
If education combined with kindness is equally effective, it is to be
preferred; still more is it to be preferred if it is more effective.”
In this book, he put a
great emphasis on science and research in contrast to belief and dogma as our
main practical tool (as for now) to improve and better the condition of
humankind. “An able physician is more
useful to a patient than the most devoted friend, and progress in medical
knowledge does more for the health of the community than ill-informed
philanthropy,” writes Russell. “For
example, the spread of cancer is alarming—what are we to do about it? At the
moment, no one can answer the question for lack of knowledge; and the knowledge
is not likely to emerge except through endowed research.”
Ideas contained in this 42
pages book were and are controversial, contentious and – to the religious
keyboard warriors in my Facebook circle – downright blasphemous. I think the
arguments within this essay will continue to challenge one’s faith and
assumptions. Alan Ryan, who wrote preface of this book thought that Bertrand
was “a deeply religious thinker.”
You don’t have to agree
with Russell, not all, but keep an open mind.
Ah, dangerous of

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