To Explain The World: The Discovery of Modern Science (2015) by Steven Weinberg
Weinberg hope to answer
these questions in his book [very ambitious, but he tried]: How did we come to
understand the world? How did we learn physics and astronomy? Matter and
poetry? Music and mathematics? Motion and philosophy? And the connection and
influence (or not) of science and religion? “I chose ‘Discovery’ instead of ‘Invention’,” writes Weinberg, “to suggest that science is the way it is not
so much because of various adventitious historic acts of invention, but because
of the way nature is.” This book is divided into 4 parts: 1) Greek Physics,
2) Greek Astronomy, 3) The Middle Ages, and 4) The Scientific Revolution, and
about 90+ pages of technical notes such as Thales’ Theorem, The Pythagorean
Theorem, Irrational Numbers, Terminal Velocity, The Theory of the Rainbow, etc.
Don’t assume that I know all of these things (I wish I can!) but it is such an
amazing read to try to understand how the universe work!
Here are some of
interesting knowledge that I want to share with you: #1 Thales, one of the
first philosophers of ancient Greek claimed that everything is made of water.
Then, Anaximander identified it as a mysterious substance he called the
unlimited, or infinite. Anaximenes then came out with air, and Heraclitus
assumed it was fire. Empedocles thought of all matter is composed not of one
but of four elements – water, air, earth and fire. But Democritus finally
claimed that all matter consists of tiny indivisible particles called atoms
that moving in empty space. Wow! [Btw, now we know better that an atom is not
the smallest matter nor nucleus nor proton nor electron but quark. And an atom
is about 99.99999% empty space!];
#2 It seem that the rise
of religion had something to do with the decline of original work in science. “Once one invokes the supernatural, anything
can be explained, and no explanation can be verified.” I agree to some
extent; #3 What excite me is that many theologians of the middle ages were also
scientists!; and #4 The author claims that Isaac Newton was the climax of the
scientific revolution. I simply love this one chapter The Newtonian Synthesis. John Maynard known to write, “Newton was not the first of the age of
reason. He was the last of the magicians, the last of the Babylonians and
Sumerians, the last great mind which looked out on the visible and intellectual
world with the same eyes as those who began to build our intellectual
inheritance rather less than 10,000 years ago.” He learned Latin and
theology, arithmetic and geometry, a little Greek and Hebrew, and he began his
education with Aristotle’s works. He wrote many books in which none can match
the history of physical science, Philosophiae
Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy) or shortly known as Principia Mathematica. Here are some quotes on Newton by his
“Then ye who now on heavenly nectar fare,
Come celebrate with me in song the name
Of Newton, to the Muses dear; for he
Unlocked the hidden treasuries of Truth:
So richly through his mind had Phoebus cast
The radius of his own divinity,
Nearer the gods no mortal may approach.”
“Nature and nature’s laws lay hid in night;
God said, ‘Let Newton be!’ And all was light.”
Overall, I learned so much
from this book. I have to study some of the subjects in the internet and
YouTube for illustrations and imaginations. I recommend this book to any
curious readers out there who love science!
[P.s: Since I admires
Albert Einstein more than Isaac Newton, I was amused when I read this
additional two more lines on the praise of Newton many years later, “It did not last: the Devil howling ‘Ho, Let
Einstein be,’ restored the status quo.” :P]

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