“Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together
with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means
“son of Timaeus”), was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard that it
was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, ‘Jesus,
Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet,
but he shouted all the more, ‘Son of
David, have mercy on me!’ Jesus stopped and said, ‘Call him’”
(Mark 10:46-49, NIV).
(Mark 10:46-49, NIV).
What caused our Lord Jesus
to turn His attention away from the large crowd to Bartimaeus, the rudely
persistent, blind and outcast beggar? I think, when Jesus heard the magic word:
Mercy. “Jesus… have mercy on me!” Mercy is compassion or pity
that leads a person to provide relief for someone in misery (not simple say “God bless you…” then walk away). A
merciful person is one who feels deeply the hurts of others and acts to comfort
and relieve those hurts. You see, mercy is a primary nature of God. God said of
Himself, “The LORD God, merciful and
gracious” (Exodus 34:6); and Moses said, “The LORD your God is a merciful God” (Deuteronomy 4:31).
For Jesus, the Son of God, mercy was one of the essential characteristics of
His earthly ministry.
Let’s turn to Bartimaeus
now. This physically blind beggar actually could spiritually “see” much more
than most people. First, he had heard enough about Jesus to correctly
identify Him as “Son of David” a
title that designated Jesus as the promised Messiah – God come to earth
(notice, Jesus doesn’t deny him). Second, he knew enough about the God of his
ancestors to know that He is merciful (heart knowledge, not merely head
knowledge). And third, he had faith to believe that Jesus was personally
interested in him and would heal him.
When Jesus heard
Bartimaeus cry for mercy, He asked, “What do you want me
to do for you?” (Mark 10:51). He was merciful and willing to act
compassionately to the faithful Bartimaeus. The same quality of mercy that God
evidenced in the Old Testament and Jesus demonstrated in the New Testament is
available to anyone who sees Jesus through the eyes of faith as Bartimaeus did.
Jesus knows where we’re hurting and when we turn to Him with our hurts, He is
ready to say, “What do you want me to do
for you?” Jesus’ mercy turned
into miracle because of faith. “Rabbi, I want to
see,” Bartimaeus replied. “Go,” said
Jesus, “your faith has healed you.”
Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road (Mark 10:51-52).
There is no pain,
disappointment, confusion, fear or loneliness that Jesus cannot understand. When
you come to Him with faith crying, “Jesus,
have mercy on me!” He will responds either with a supernatural healing or
through the caring of a concerned friend or simply by His presence with you or
however – He will respond. Like Bartimaeus, you may feel that you are not very
important in God’s sight. But when you come to Jesus with faith and brokenness,
you’ll discover that you are of the supreme important to God. You may feel that
your hurts are not important to God. You may feel that you don’t have a special
place in God’s heart. You may believe that God doesn’t have time to bother with
you. But if God’s mercy can reach poor Bartimaeus, think what He has waiting
for you when you call on Him!
Jesus asked, “What do you want me
to do for you?” twice (10:36, 51)
James and John answered: We want authority and power (10:37); they were ask to serve first.
But when Bartimaeus answered: I want to see (10:52); he received his sight immediately!
Jesus is indeed, the most gracious, the most merciful
Saviour. Amen.

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