“’The time has come,’ Jesus said.
‘The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’”
(Mark 1:18, NIV).
‘The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’”
(Mark 1:18, NIV).
Jesus’ message concerned
the “kingdom of God.”
We find the phrase 14 times in Mark’s Gospel and over 100 times in all four
Gospels. It is here in His first recorded message and in His last messages
according to Acts 1:3.
Jesus’ parables were
parables of the kingdom. What did Jesus mean by this? Is it a future kingdom? Is
it the church? What does it have to do with us today?
At the time of Jesus, the
idea of the kingdom was common in Jewish thinking. Scholars looked forward to a
new age of peace and material well-being when Israel would be free from the oppression
of Rome. Increasingly, the phrase “the kingdom of God”
had taken on a highly political tone. It had become virtually a slogan for
Jewish nationalism. Political activists and freedom fighters had begun to take
things into their own hands. Such revolutionaries were called “zealots” (Jesus chose one among his
disciples – Mark 3:18). Galilee, in particular, became a hotbed for such men. We
can easily imagine the tension in the air when Jesus proclaimed, “The kingdom of God is near!” But Jesus’ understanding of
the kingdom was different in a number of ways.
Firstly, for Jesus the kingdom was not national but personal. It was
about God’s rule in a person’s heart. The kingdom was not a territory to be
found on a map (like the United Kingdom) but God’s reign as king in an
individual’s life. During His trial, Jesus explains to Pontius Pilate that his
kingdom is “not of this world”
(John 18:36). It’s another kind of kingdom.
Secondly, for Jesus the kingdom was not material but spiritual. It is not a place of earthly prosperity but
spiritual blessing. When Jesus was asked by some Pharisees when the kingdom
would come, he told them that the kingdom of God is “within you.” That is, it is an internal and spiritual
kingdom, not an external and visible one (Luke 17:21). Paul, later in the New
Testament, tells us in Romans 14:17 that “the kingdom of God
is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in
the Holy Spirit.”
Thirdly, for Jesus the kingdom was not only future
but here and now. With the
coming of Jesus, God’s rule among men had begun. The day the prophets had
dreamed of was here. The kingdom was here because Jesus was here!
And now, whenever a person
confess that Jesus is Lord, by repentance and faith, the kingdom of God is
present, for that person has made God king in his or her own life. Undoubtedly,
there is also a future element to the kingdom of God. The Bible looks forward
to a time when “the kingdom of the world
has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ” (Revelation
11:15). But the first stage is here. Hence the challenge to repent and believe,
for this is the way into God’s kingdom.

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