“[Jesus and His disciples] came to Bethsaida, and some people
brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the
hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and
put his hands on him, Jesus asked, ‘Do
you see anything?’ He looked up and said, ‘I see people; they look like trees walking around’”
(Mark 8:22-24, NIV, bracket mine).
(Mark 8:22-24, NIV, bracket mine).
The healing miracle of a
blind man at Bethsaida is only recorded by Mark. In this case, Jesus took the
man away from the crowd before performing the miracle. Why Jesus “took the blind man by the hand”? Why Jesus “led him outside the village”? Why Jesus “spit on the man’s eyes”? I’m not sure what’s really
going on here. But for sure this miracle remind me that Jesus is always
responded with compassion to people’s need; and based on the context of this
text, Jesus wanted to show to his disciples that spiritual insight (they were
lack of it, Mark 8:14-21) is similar to the man’s physical insight – it will be
restore gradually and fully by faith (as in Mark 8:27-30).
Again, I don’t know why
Jesus “took the blind man by the
hand” personally, when one of His disciples could have done it. But
like spiritual blindness, Jesus wanted to lead us because only He can show us “the way” (John 14:6) to all spiritual truth. Jesus “led him outside the village” probably because He desires
the blind man – and even us – to have a more personal one-to-one relationship
with Him. In Christianity, spiritual insight and truth will not be reveal in
the form of doctrine or theology but in a Person – Jesus is “the truth” (John 14:6). When Jesus “spit on the man’s eyes”, it shows to me that Jesus
doesn’t have a fix method of healing. In the same way, Jesus can use whatever
method He wills to open our spiritual insight in order for us to see and to
realize that He is “the life”
(John 14:6).
From “blind” to seeing people “look like trees walking around” to see “everything clearly” (Mark 8:25), the man’s eyes were
gradually healed. Why Jesus did the healing in two stages? It may have been
because of the man’s lack of faith. His faith was there but it’s not enough;
our sight was there but it was not complete. And just as there would be
complete healing for the blind man, there is hope for us too. It’s not that Jesus
is unable to heal our spiritual insight thoroughly the first time, but Jesus
wants us to experience the process of learning the truth of God.
I wonder why after Jesus
had done this great miracle, He said to the man, “Don’t even go into the village” (Mark 8:26)? Why not?
Most commentaries explained that Jesus didn’t want people to know Him as merely
a healer or miracle worker. He don’t want an immediate out pouring of sick
people coming to Him for healing and hinder His ultimate mission which is the
healing of people’s souls. This explanation is valid and reasonable. But I
would like to suggest another additional reason, namely, Jesus wants the man to
go home to his family members first and tell them how much He has done for him,
and how He has had mercy on him (just like in Mark 5:19). After all, the most
important people we want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ after we’re
given spiritual insight are those who closest to us!

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