“One Sabbath day as Jesus was walking through some grainfields, his
disciples broke off heads of grain, rubbed off the husks in their hands, and
ate the grain. But some Pharisees said, ‘Why
are you breaking the law by harvesting grain on Sabbath?’ Jesus replied, ‘Haven’t you read in the Scriptures what David
did when he and his companions were hungry? He went into the house of God and
broke the law by eating the sacred loaves of bread that only the priests can
eat. He also gave some to his companions.’ And Jesus added, ‘The Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath.’”
(Luke 6:1-5, NLT)
(Luke 6:1-5, NLT)
In answering
these critics, Jesus pointed them to the Scriptures they professed to know so
well. By comparing himself and his disciples to David and his men, Jesus was
saying, in effect, ‘If you condemn me,
you must also condemn David.’ Jesus was not discarding the law and
advocating disobedience. Instead, he pointed to a higher law and emphasized
discernment and compassion, something the self-righteous Pharisees did not comprehend.
People’s needs are more important than
In calling
himself Lord over the Sabbath, Jesus claimed the authority to overrule the
Pharisees’ traditions and regulations because he had created the Sabbath. Jesus,
therefore, could interpret the meaning of the Sabbath and all the laws
pertaining to it. Through their
confusing system of Sabbath laws, the religious leaders had made themselves
lords of the Sabbath and thus lords over the people. In claiming to be Lord
over the Sabbath, Jesus was stating his divinity and confronting the position
of the religious leaders.
Jesus believed in the Sabbath and lived it. But he
knew Sabbath observance must point to the Sabbath Maker and not focus on technical, hairsplitting
definitions of ‘work’ and ‘rest.’ By remaking the Sabbath into a day of
refreshment, worship, and healing, he was prying open the tightfisted control
the Pharisees held on the people.
Think about
this: Some people may think that because believers are no longer “under law,” we can live any way we
please (referring Jesus’ comments in this passage as proof). But this story
doesn’t make that point. God’s moral laws – the Ten Commandments (including the
one about the Sabbath) – still apply. Jesus was highlighting the fact that even
well-intentioned, religious people can add rules and restrictions to God’s laws
and totally miss their meaning. Those added-on, human-made regulations are not
inspired and inviolable. God wants us to study and apply His Word, but we must
not project our personal applications onto others. Remember, Jesus must be Lord
over everything in our lives, including the Sabbath.
What needs to change in your routine or lifestyle to
honor God on the Sabbath?

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