"The Sabbath was made
for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27, NLT)
Jesus puts people first, regulations second. Human needs come first, traditions second. The Kingdom
of God comes first – and everything else second. In practical terms, that means
we must sometimes violate “sacred”
traditions (or in student ministry terms “senior”
traditions) and tear down barriers. Sometimes that takes great courage and

In reality, we are faced
with so many traditions. We need to know when and how to apply it. Always
remember this: Jesus always emphasis on
loving God with all our hearts and tied this to loving our neighbors as
ourselves. When I read this, I can’t separate it in my mind into two commandments
but in practical – both are the same commandment. How better can we show our love to God and serving people than by the
way we treat them? Sometimes, because of Christ’s love in us, we need to break human customs to meet human

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