“’The right time has come,’ Jesus said, ‘and the Kingdom of God is near!
Turn away from your sins and believe the Good News!’” (Mark 1:15,
Jesus’ message is direct
and compelling. The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is at the threshold of people’s
lives. This is God’s time. It is near. With such a demanding message – “You must change your
hearts and minds and believe the Good News” (J.B. Phillips’
translation) – a radical response must be made. Maybe that was one of the
reason why the four fishermen – Peter, Andrew, James and John – instantly “left their nets and
went with Jesus” (Mark 1:18, 20). He was radical.
This part is very
interesting for 3 reasons. First, usually it was their custom that the pulpits
who decide which rabbi or teacher that they want to follow. But here we read
that Jesus was the one who called them, “Come with me” (Mark 1:17). Secondly, instead of choosing
the intellectual and well-taught religious leaders, Jesus chose ordinary men. Not
stupid nor special neither, just ordinary men. Thirdly, the disciples were busy
doing their daily business when Jesus called them. It shows that He desire to
use their fishing skills and to teach them to “become fishers of men”
(Mark 1:17, KJV). He was
As I read Mark 1:14-19, looking
for more insight and understanding, I was reminded that the Scripture is not for me to (merely) gather information but to allow
it to transformed my life from the inside out. Based on all of the above, many
challenging questions arise as I started to think this way: Do I really understand what did Jesus mean
by the Kingdom of God? What does it have to do with me and us today? Have I turned
away from my sins daily? Am I proclaiming the Kingdom of God now and asking
people to repent from their sins?
Have I set my personal agendas and ambitions (my ‘fishing
net’) aside to follow Him? Have I take initiative to witness about the Good
News recently? Am I being prejudice towards other people when it comes to
evangelism? Have I neglect the ordinary people? Am I a fisher of men? Have I use my talents
and gifts to serve others for God?
[These questions and more begin to change me. Jesus is
still radical]
You should ask these kinds of questions too

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