“But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin,
yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.” (Romans 8:10NIV)
yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.” (Romans 8:10NIV)
Instinctively, in our search for God, we know God is real. In our search, it is God's will for all of us to become fully alive. God does not want us dead, but alive. Our physical body only lives so long. Eventually, our body stops working and we die. Surely there is hope in the face of physical death. In the world, in the worship of things, money, power, status, and whatever else people worship in the world, there is death without hope. In truth, we have death in our body with no bodily hope. However, we are alive in our spirit… our spirit that will never die.
Sin is the great plague upon human beings. Sin is the great plague leading to our physical death. Look at the sin-filled tragedies of history. Look at the sin-filled tragedies of our current world. Does the human soul not ache for God? Indeed there is an ache in the soul to know and walk with God. However, the ache of the soul for God has a balm, a cure, a fix, a solution, an ultimate pain-reliever in Christ Jesus. For all the activities of all the people who have ever searched for God and not fully and truly found God, they can find God hanging on a cross.
What kind of God is this?
What kind of being is this?
Hanging from a cross?
Wouldn't a REAL god have taken over the world?
Wouldn't a REAL god would have conquered nations
and put all people under his dictatorial control?
and put all people under his dictatorial control?
A REAL god would not have permitted himself to be murdered, would he?!?!?!
But wait…the real God of all creation, the real God who created you, was a being of love. Your real God, your personal creator, was a being of sacrificial love. Your real God, your creator, sacrificed Himself so you and all other human beings could live in paradise for eternity.*
THINK BIG This is the God whom I worship, He died on the cross for my sin
START SMALL I can’t do [absolutely] anything
but to receive His righteousness for my sinful spirit
but to receive His righteousness for my sinful spirit
GO DEEP Only in repentance, obedience and joy in Him can I cure the ache of my soul.
Thank you Jesus for dying the Cross, You are worthy of all praise!
Thank you Jesus for dying the Cross, You are worthy of all praise!
*Copy from: http://www.findthepower.com/dailydevotions/DevTheAcheOfTheSoulRomans8_10.htm

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