I give thanks to God, whom you and I serve with His grace, mercy and peace. I thank him as I remember you always in my prayers night and day. How I long to hear your voice, wipe your wounds and tears. You have written to me letters of encouragement when I really needed it the most. I’m cherishing every moment we spent together.
Back then I was timid, shy and very new with this ministry. But because of your words, my attitude is never been the same. My joy is complete when I except Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior through your ministry. I still remember how I met you on your first mission trip, where you stop at my hometown, Lystra and that's the first time I heard the Good News was preached with power and authority.
I never regret the moment when you invited me to join your team on your second mission trip. It is an honor for me to join you in preaching the Good News to the Gentiles. When people criticize me for not honoring God's covenant with Abraham because I'm not circumcise, (His mother is a Jew but his father is a Gentile) you come to my defense and have me circumcised. I have no regret! What is this small sacrifice to compare with the victory prize that is waiting for me on the Day?
As you're faithful to God, I'm ought to be faithful too to the One that unites us. How are you there my father Paul? Though you are persecuted by Rome and arrested as if you are a criminal, in jail with poor conditions; cold, dark dungeon- yet you still wrote letters of encouragement to me and the church. May my brother Luke take good care of you. I'm very sad as I write this letter because I know, you knew it at hand, that you are about to leave this life. Oh how I wish that God would deliver you! But if this is the Will of God, then let it be so, for you have said, 'To live is Christ, to die is gain'.
My father, I will keep in mind what you have taught me. I will save your letters for other generations after me. For they must know that All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed. Keep praying for me and the church of Ephesus which is where I'm serving now. May the spirit of Endurance in you when you said, 'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith' be granted to us as we also were persecuted because of Christ Jesus. Amen.
My mother Eunice and elders send their greetings to you, Luke and all the other brothers.
The Lord be with your spirit. God's grace be with you.
Into the mind of Timothy as he received letters from Paul somewhere around A.D. 62-67, knowing that Paul will soon be executed. It's a fictional replied. I just made it, not to be taken as true letter okay? But Paul really did sent letters to Timothy and it is recorded in the Bible (and yes, its original) Paul was truly a man of God and one of the main reason he wrote letters to Timothy was to ENCOURAGE him. Read more of his encouragement in 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy. (In case you don't know, it's in the Bible)

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