In the world that we living in today, time is priceless. Everything need to be done Quick, Now and Instantly! For example, 3-in-1 Coffee, instant noodles, instant soup, panadol actiFast, Easy Income business, multi-level marketing, stock market etc. I'm not against it but rather to prove that though most of it benefits us in somehow or another, it shows that our human tendency to expect the result in everything we do to happen overnight. We want someone to love us immediately, we want our dream to be fulfilled in an instant, we want to success in 30 days, we want Ah Heng or Ahmad to received Christ now (and we said, 'If not, you'll go to hell!') and we want our food to be prepare quickly! Tag Short writes, "The secret of our success is found in our daily agenda".
Step by step, One by one, Brick by brick. To build a long-term relationship for example, requires us to wade through a few things that a difficult, work for many things that are needed, wait on something that take time and wave good-bye ("selamat jalan") to personal things that are selfish. Relationship is developed daily, not in the day.
Becoming a Christian also require time. It's the never ending process to shape our character, attitude and discipline to be more in the likeness of Christ. It never end once we say the sinner's prayer, been baptized or attending church regularly. We need to grow day by day one step at the time; by taking risk, through failures and successes. Our life is not an ending goal but a process to become more and more like Christ. You may fall, you may fail but nothing is impossible with God.
When my cousin, Agapitus was a baby, I always play with him. The first time he attempts to walk, I looked at how he begins to straighten his legs, shaking yet strong. He holds tight to the chair nearby, I watched him carefully and ready to catch him whenever I sense danger. Day by day he tried, and day by day he failed. "Maybe a baby don't know what does it mean to give up", I said. A month later, he "shows off" to me about his 'success' and walks straight to his mother without anyone’s help- he did it! His mother smiled and filled with joy. I saw it, I witnessed it, I observed it that Agapitus didn't learn how to walk overnight; he does it daily; step by step.
If you want to achieve something, the good news is that you can do it. Everyone has a God-given potential within themselves, but it isn't accomplished overnight. It requires perseverance. Along the process; failures or success, give praise to the Lord.
“Stairs are climbed step by step.” (Turkish Proverb)

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