Thursday, August 15, 2024

Reading the Scripture Together with Your Spouse #LeadersAreReaders July 2024

One of the things that I miss so much when I'm working outstation is reading the Scripture together with my wife every night. It has become our habit, and I always feel something is missing or incomplete if we are not doing it. I'm very reluctant to give marriage advice to anyone (technically, not qualified in terms of experience), but let me give one here: aim to grow together in Christ one day at a time. One of the essential ways is to read (aloud), reflect, and pray the Scripture daily. First, it fosters emotional, intellectual, and spiritual intimacy, allowing both of us to connect on a deeper level as we explore the faith together. This shared practice strengthens our relationship, creating a sense of being one heart and mind in Christ and reminding one another to be under His lordship.

Next, it provides an opportunity for open communication, as we discuss passages and their meanings. Usually, we read 2 to 4 chapters a day and pause after every chapter to hear one another's thoughts and insights (sometimes I will provide the context and explanations of the text if it's difficult chapters, and she will make wise remarks because she's smart!). This leads us to greater understanding and teaches empathy for one another. Read and listen. The routine of reading together also establishes a consistent, calming end to each day (yes, we do have bad days), helping to reduce stress (yes, daily responsibilities, relationships, and work can be stressful) and promote a peaceful household environment (yes, we do have small arguments).

Moreover, the Scriptures offer valuable life lessons and true guidance, inspiring us to grow in the fruit of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. God often uses His Word to encourage us, correct us, and even rebuke us (I can't count how many times He confronts my pride and stubborn heart when we read the Scripture together! Here and there is a time for repentance, asking for forgiveness, and reconciliation). Finally, we end with prayer. This shared journey not only enriches our marriage but also lays a foundation for future challenges and adventures. But it must be done, if possible, daily or consistently - read, reflect, and pray the Scripture together - because the foundation cannot be less than solid Rock!

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Reading In The Digital Era Still Matters #LeadersAreReaders June 2024

In the digital era, it might seem like YouTube is the best place to get information (at least for me). However, as writer and illustrator Tomie dePaola said, "Reading is important because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything." While videos can help you grasp a topic quickly, they don't offer the deep understanding that reading does. One of the best examples I can think of is the wonderful overview videos of each book of the Bible by The Bible Project YouTube channel. These videos are great resources, but they can never replace the value of reading the Bible for ourselves.

Jim Kwik, a Brain Coach, said that multimedia's impact on learning is limited without reading as the foundation. Books, especially good ones that distill decades of experience, provide a depth that short videos can't match. Digital sources (with the exception of longer and in depth videos) are useful for starting your research and sparking your interest, but for true understanding, reading is essential. Maybe I'm in the minority... but I'm right, right? 

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To Love Is To Read #LeadersAreReaders May 2024


When asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus said to love the LORD your God. He was quoting Deuteronomy 6:5. If you read the passage in Deuteronomy, you will notice a difference in how Jesus stated it. In Deuteronomy, it says: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." When Jesus says it in Matthew 22:37, instead of "might," He says "mind" or understanding. Jesus made it clear that we are to love the Lord with all of our mind as well.

What you believe determines how you live. Your thoughts dictate everything you pursue. It is imperative, then, that we train our minds. This means we are to think deeply and venture out of the shallows. We are to discuss theology (or the things of God and His Word) and its practical implications. At the very minimum, it means we must read. You must read. Have you resolved to love God with all your mind by reading?


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Monday, May 13, 2024

Read and Found the Joy of Knowing Christ #LeadersAreReaders April 2024

I was reading one of powerful stories from Richard Wurmbrand's Tortured for Christ (1969) about how he witnessed to a Russian lady officer on the street during the communist period in Romania. "I know that it is impolite to accost an unknown lady on the street, but I am a pastor and my intentions are earnest. I wish to speak to you about Christ," Wurmbrand said as he approached her. She asked, "Do you love Christ?" "Yes!" he replied passionately, "From all my heart." She fell into his arms and kissed him again and again. It was an embarrassing situation to do this in public, so he kissed her back, hoping people would think they were relatives. She exclaimed joyfully, "I love Christ too!"

He then took her home to
meet his wife and talked to her where it was safer. He read to her selected Scripture passages. Along the way, he discovered that she knew nothing (Biblical facts, Gospel stories, what the Saviour and salvation mean) about Christ - absolutely nothing - except the Name. And yet she loved Him. He wondered, "How can you love somebody if you know only his name?" When he inquired, she explained, "As a child, I was taught to read by pictures. For an 'a' there was an apple, for a 'b' there was a bell, for a 'c' a cat, and so on. When I went to high school, I was taught my holy duty to defend the communist fatherland. I was taught about communist morals. But I did not know what a 'holy duty' or 'moral' looked like. I needed a picture for these."

"Now I knew that our forefathers had a picture for everything beautiful, praiseworthy, and truthful in life," she continued. "My grandmother always bowed down before this picture, saying it was the picture of one called 'Cristos' (Christ). And I loved this name by itself. This name became so real to me! Just to say this name gave one such joy!" Wurmbrand commented in the book: "Listening to her, I remembered what is written in Philippians that at His Name every knee should bow. Perhaps, the anti-Christ will be able for a time to erase from the world the knowledge of God. But there is power in the simple Name of Christ (Jesus) and this will lead to the light."

That day, the lady officer found (and was found by) Christ in the pastor's home and since then, the One whose name she loved lived in her heart in person. So, what does this story have to do with reading books, especially the Scripture? The goal is to know the personhood of God, and the primary means, special revelation, is through the Book. Secondly, through books about the God of the Book. Read and be led to the light! May you find the joy of knowing Christ. From pictures to words to Person.

 #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #LeadersAreReaders #1Book1Week


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Monday, April 15, 2024

Keep On Reading! #LeadersAreReaders March 2024

I will never know which authors and/or books God will use to make a difference in my life, so I just keep reading with expectation and prayer, knowing that if I do, the possibility is high, and if I don't, it's next to zero. This reminds me of the Ethiopian eunuch who read the Book of Isaiah but didn't understand it until the Holy Spirit, through Philip the Evangelist, explained the Scripture to him. The story is in Acts 8:26-35,

"God’s angel spoke to Philip: 'At noon today, I want you to walk over to that desolate road that goes from Jerusalem down to Gaza.' He got up and went. He met an Ethiopian eunuch coming down the road. The eunuch had been on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and was returning to Ethiopia, where he was a minister in charge of Candace's finances, queen of the Ethiopians. He was riding in a chariot and reading the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit told Philip, 'Climb into the chariot.'

Running up alongside, Philip heard the eunuch reading Isaiah and asked, 'Do you understand what you’re reading?' He answered, 'How can I without some help?' and invited Philip into the chariot with him. The passage he was reading was Isaiah 53:7-8. The eunuch said, 'Tell me, who is the prophet talking about himself or someone else?' Philip seized the opportunity. Using this passage as his text, he preached JESUS to him" - and the eunuch got baptized, and Philip went on his way.

So, you will never know which authors and/or books God will use to make a difference in your life, just keep reading with expectation and prayer and the Holy Spirit will give you understanding. Amen.

 #ServeToLead #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #1Book1Week #KeepOnReading #HabitOfReading #TheBook


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The 10-Minute Rule #LeadersAreReaders February 2024

The months of February and March are quite packed for me but I still managed to find time to read. First, it's due to necessity. If I don't read, I can't do my work and ministry efficiently. Secondly, it's due to habit. Since reading books is a part of my life, I can't imagine a day without reading, especially the Scriptures, even if only for a few sentences. Thirdly, it's due to a principle that I've practiced since last year: the 10-Minute Rule. Namely, starting to read from a book for at least 10 minutes every day. My aim is at least 10 minutes, but usually, I end up reading longer than that.

I find that this rule is helpful because it is achievable and a good way for me to jump-start my mind's engine! Plus, if I don't feel like I want to read (which is rare), I can just endure the 10 minutes and close the book! So, would you like to try a 10-Minute Rule? If it's too hard, try 5 minutes; you have to at least try. Reading books 1) keeps me inspired by other people’s thoughts and if I read the Scriptures, by God's thoughts, wow!; 2) gives me a different perspective; 3) restores my ability to be more discerning with my time; 4) encourages me to spend time with lasting benefits; 5) opens the creative flow as concepts and ideas appear in my mind; and many more. Pick a book, set the timing to 10 minutes, and read!

NOTE: Currently, I'm exploring Roman Catholicism. The book on the Eucharist by Bishop Robert Barron is inspiring, and as I examine the Scriptures and some traditions regarding the argument for transubstantiation, I find myself more inclined to this interpretation. Jimmy Akin, Trent Horn, Joe Heschmeyer, and especially Scott Hahn and Brant Pitre have argued very well on this subject. However, in the case of a book by Father Frederick William Faber on Purgatory, I still find myself skeptical. As I heard half a dozen arguments by Catholics to defend the doctrine of purgatory, I came to my initial suspicion that it is more philosophical rather than Scriptural. By the way, a debate between Trent and James White on this subject is interesting.

#ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #The10MinuteRule #ReadingIsLiving #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain


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Cultivate the Habits of Reading and Writing #LeadersAreReaders January 2024

If you followed the Chronological Bible Reading Plan, you would've read the Book of Genesis and Job. Well done! Every year I try to read through the Bible, but last year I didn't manage to finish on time because I read other books too. Well, this year I want to focus more on the Bible than other books (perhaps limited to one or two or, at the most, three per month). I've come to believe that if you want to grow as a Christian, especially in full-time ministry, cultivating the habits of reading and writing are indispensable.

Reading Christians, especially those who read and meditate on the Word of God, are God-loving Christians. We are called to
 "love the Lord [our] God with all [our] heart, [our] soul," and "[our] mind." Reading helps us to grow in knowledge and equips us to contend for the faith, to gain wisdom and understanding, to have the mind of Christ and to know God's will and the Spirit leading, and in my case, to teach, preach and give answers with conviction, confidence, and compassion. Besides, reading helps our minds to think, connect, and reflect.

Next, after reading, writing is important
. Initially, I didn't like to write because it consumed a lot of time, and I always failed my grammar. But once I 'force' myself to write, the outcomes are clarity of thought, exponential learning and retention, and mental satisfaction. And if you see writing as one of the ways to bring the Word of God to readers, then you're also benefiting others other than yourself. It is said that "clear writing is a sign of clear thinking" and "clear thinking is a sign of a well-organized mind." I agree. As full-time ministers, we must nurture our minds too, not just our hearts and souls.

So, friends, read and write!

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