I was doing a house cleaning last week when I discovered my old notes with amazing stories in them. Let me share one about the transforming power of the Word. It is written by Peter V. Deison about a man named Ramad. Ramad was the most dangerous man in all of India. His gang attacked, plundered, and terrified the remote villages of the area. He was wanted dead or alive. While ransacking a small home in one of these villages, he found a small black book.
At first, he started to throw it away, but he noticed that the paper was very thin and just the right size for roll-you-own cigarettes. Each evening after a meal Ramad would relax with a smoke. He would take out the little book, tear a page out, and fold it over for the tobacco. One evening while folding the paper, he noticed the writing was in his own language. So each evening after eating, he would read a page of the little book - presumably the New Testament - and then smoke it.
One evening, by God's grace, over time, he was convicted! He knelt and asked Jesus Christ to forgive his sins and confessed Him to be his Lord and Savior. At once he turned himself over to the police, much to their surprise, and turned from a bandit to an evangelist for Christ in the prison! It became Ramad's first mission field where he led many other prisoners to Jesus.
I heard and read many real-life stories like this when God's Word - even His servants' words a.k.a. books about the written Word - made a change in people's lives. It's true: "Know it in your mind; Stow it in your heart; Show it in your life; Sow it in the world." Amen!
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