I read this for the fourth time because it is so inspiring and challenging book. Dr. J. Edwin Orr writes, "John Sung was one of the most colorful characters of all time, an evangelist of striking spiritual power as well as a prophet whose eccentricities matched some of those known through the Old Testament." Perhaps the last statement is putting John Sung too highly than he really was but it's not without merit. If you read this together with the other biographies and some of his sermon samples in the appendix, you can see why John Sung should be on your list of heroes of the faith.
Too often, churches and seminaries in Asia make much of the Reformation figures - yes, they are important and should be known - like Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, etc. but lack excitement when it comes to Asian heroes of the faith like John Sung, Watchman Nee, Sadhu Sundar Singh, etc. People like these men (and oh, wonderful Christian women too!) must be rediscovered and highlighted because young Christians nowadays need actual heroes beyond the MCU and DCEU fictional superheroes! What's amazing is that, if you read Christian biographies, you can see how flawed women and men like John Sung can be used by God for His glory and to extend His Kingdom on earth. Their shortcomings can make you relate to them and their passion and zeal for our Lord Jesus Christ and His Word can put us to shame, which if you let the Holy Spirit works in you, can become a source of challenge and inspiration.
In the closing remark, William E. Schubert says: "As we remember John Sung, we pray that God will produce another, perhaps even greater, evangelist in this century. God often calls His leaders from the ranks of Jesus' persecutors. When this man, or men, come on the scene, then China and the Far East will be aflame for God with the preaching of the irresistible Gospel." In the same way, may God raises such leaders in Sarawak, Malaysia, Asia... again! #ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #JohnSung #HeroesOfFaith #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain
Read my previous book reviews about John Sung here:
1) I Remember John Sung, 1st Review
2) A Biography of John Sung (2004) by Leslie T. Lyall
3) I also like to recommend Asian Awakening: John Sung (1988) by Timothy Tow
All things media: https://linktr.ee/LEGASI.tv

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