I believe wholeheartedly
that women can and should be in the
leadership roles – both in the church and especially in the marketplace. Although in church headship, I'm convinced by
my reading of the Scripture that offices such as elder, bishop, pastor, and
senior pastor are reserved only for men. All are permissible for women
except bestowing spiritual authority over adult men (this is a highly debatable
statement, so, I won't discuss this matter further). Men and women are equal
with respect to dignity and worth and yet different with respect to role and
responsibility. With that being said, women must be given equal opportunity to
become leaders. In fact, many great leaders I know are women! But
unfortunately, too many churches and organizations still fail to recognize,
acknowledge or see the potentials and talents of women. Some still discourage
and even forbid women – nonverbally and culturally – from taking leadership
Jesus Christ, my Lord,
apparently thought differently. Although He first called twelve men to become
His close-disciples, His first appearance after His death was to a group of
women (see Matthew 28:1, 9) with the instruction to go and convince Peter and
others of His resurrection! Before the birth of the Saviour, God through His
angel spoke to young Mary about a magnificent plan (Luke 1:30-33), which she
was able to keep secret until the appropriate time. Wealthy women economically
among the followers supported Jesus and His disciples while they were on their
mission (Luke 8:3). Mary Magdalene, Martha, Joanna, Salome, and Susanna were
among Jesus' female disciples that played significant roles during His earthly
ministry. Paul, one of Jesus most faithful apostles, enlisted women to be among
his colleagues in the ministry such as Prisca, Phoebe, Chloe, Euodia, Syntyche,
etc. So, in the beginning, and at the end of the gospel story – even throughout
the Old and the New Testament – God gave primary leadership roles to women.
Men, churches, and
organizations who fail to acknowledge women as leaders often suffer for their
ignorance. For examples, Pontius Pilate's wife tried to warn him not to be
involved in the trial and execution of Jesus by saying, "Leave this innocent man alone. I suffered
through a terrible nightmare about him last night" (Matthew 27:19).
Pilate ignored her and since then get himself into trouble for the rest of his
life; Nabal was struck to death because he didn't act wisely like his wife
Abigail (1 Samuel 25); Deborah became known as great military leader and
deliverer of Israel because Balak don't want to take the lead (Judge 4:8-10).
Jesus said to both women and men: "The Kingdom of God is already among you"
or "is within you" (Luke
17:21). He delegated equal power and authority to anyone who asked. In the
Kingdom of God, there is neither rich nor poor, free nor bond, male nor female,
all are equally the sons and daughters of God. We are equal in dignity, worth
and are called to lead. Jesus empowered women to become leaders. Are you?

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