God is a thinking God, and
as such must be coming up with new ideas constantly. Some people think that
everything God created and said existed already. I do not think so.
I believe that is why
Jesus came – to create new ways of thinking. To give us a New Testament. He was not content to sit around and reminisce about
what used to be. In fact, once he started teaching, he did not fail to create a
word picture or two or three a day. John, the apostle who wrote about Jesus once
said at the end of the Gospel according to him that if someone, anyone wrote
down everything Jesus ever did, the world itself could not contain the books
that would be written (John 21:25). This was from someone who had known Jesus
for only about three years. Even in death, Jesus had his hands stretched out as
far as they could go. The enemies literally had to nail him down to keep him
from creating – doing more.
Jesus said: “My
Father goes on working, and so do I” (read 5:15-17). He asked his
disciples to pray for more workers because the fields were already bursting and
ripe for harvest. Things needed to be done, and as a leader he wanted them done
– even when he knew he would not be physically present to do them.
On the cross he looked
down at John the apostle and said, “John,
Mary is your mother now. And you must be her son” (paraphrase from John
19:26). By doing so, he was saying to all of us, “My work here is finished, but yours has just begun.” Jesus took
How active and creative are you?
Do you think you could be doing more (quantity)? Or/and
better (quality)? How?