Jesus ministered to the
multitudes, but He spent most of His time with the Twelves, His disciples. He
set the stage for small-group ministry where everyone has the opportunity to
get involved and begin to use his or her spiritual gifts. And even though He
called the Twelves, He gave priority to a small group of three: Peter, James
and John. The small group Bible Study is
the place where God’s people can receive training, instruction and
encouragement as they reach out to their friends and neighbours with the Good News
of Jesus Christ.
The Lord commands us to follow His example. Whatever He has taught us, we are to give away and
teach to others. This can be quite effective through small-group ministry. For
example, as a small-group leader, the most helpful way for you to teach
students to read and live out the Good News is for you yourself to have the
passion for the Word of God. They see
your example. The best way to teach another Christian how to forgive others
is for you to share God’s forgiveness and how you forgive others that hurt you.
If, like my friend, you believe the Lord has called you to teach the new
Christian to pray, take time to pray with him or her. As we study the Bible, we
learn together, grow together, and teach one another. We teach others by modelling biblical truths with our own lives.
True Christianity in its
simplistic form includes three focuses: #1 Knowing Jesus intimately, #2 Making
disciples, and #3 Reaching out in compassion to those who do not yet know
Christ. Jesus told us to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind,
soul and strength and to love our neighbours as ourselves (see Matthew
22:37-39). This must be the motivation of our hearts in order to effectively fulfil
the Lord’s purposes for us as believers in Jesus Christ. Small groups are an
ideal setting for fulfilling these purposes of God. Do you agree with me?

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