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"Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves" (Matthew 7:18) |
Every Christian leader who fails to point people
primarily to the Lord Himself is to that extent a false teacher. Some, claiming the Word of God for their
authority, point people to some substitute. Many lift isolated passages from
their entire biblical context and give them inaccurate meanings. Others simply
know nothing of the depths of Jesus Christ. Much of their teaching is a form of
religious humanism.
Be careful however,
certainly, don’t let your pride mislead you to set yourself up against your
teachers. But in this day too many of the Lord’s people are being misled by
shallow, carnal or heretical leaders. So what
you should do so that you will not be misled by false teachers? The Lord
reminds us to constantly search the
Scriptures by giving us the example of the Bereans “for they received the
message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if
what Paul said was true” (Acts
17:11). We must not blindly received and believed the message that people
told us even when they claim to speak in the name of God, but we must examine
everything by the Word of God to see if what they said is the truth or false. Submit
everything to the Word. Heed the direction and correction found there – for the
Lord have spoken.

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