Matthew chapter 5:1-12 is
called the Beatitudes. If I’m not mistaken the word derives from ‘beauty’ and ‘attitude’ which mean ‘beautiful
attitude’ as described by Lord Jesus Himself. As we read the Beatitudes, we
must understand that it was addressed basically to Jesus’ disciples (therefore,
this part of the Bible verses is not suitable for the nonbelievers. Not that
they can’t understand, but that it doesn’t make sense to them). The Beatitudes
describe the attitudes and characteristics of a true disciple, not a code or
set of rules to be followed legalistically. This is how Jesus’ followers ought
to live.
“Blessed” is a happy word. It
describes someone who is to be congratulated because his or her place in life
is a fortunate and happy one. But then we read the recipients: “are the poor in
spirit” – not so happy words. Why “the poor”
are “blessed”? Go to the city of Kuala Lumpur, can we say
that the poor are blessed? Walk around any Sarawak
marketplaces, do we say that ‘Wow, look
at the poor, they are so blessed!’? Surely, there were many poor people
during Jesus’ time. I bet they will roll their eyes if this is what Jesus meant
by “the poor.”
“The poor” that Lord Jesus
referring here is to the poor “in spirit” not to the poor in pocket! There are
two words for “poor” in Jesus’ contemporary language: first, one who has
nothing superfluous; second, one who has
nothing at all – totally bankrupt and has no resources. Lord Jesus used the
second meaning here. Therefore, to be “poor in spirit” is not to be poor-spirited in
the sense of timid or cowardly or materially poor but to acknowledge (very
important word, acknowledge) one’s
spiritual bankruptcy before God.
Do you “poor in spirit” by recognize and
confess your unworthiness and unrighteousness in the sight of God? Do you “poor in spirit”
by not being proud and self-sufficient? Do you “poor in spirit” that you call out
to God for mercy because in reality you’re bankrupt and have nothing except
Him? In summary: “Blessed” are those who
acknowledge that in the presence of God, they are nothing, bankrupt spiritually
because to them belongs “the kingdom of heaven.” Not a reward for good
works, but the “poor
in spirit” depend on God. Not
to be earned, but a gift of grace. Happy! Happy! Blessed!
Jesus painted the picture of blessedness in reverse of
what the men of the world
considered fortunate and happy. He is different; we’re
different, my friends.

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