“How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15)
“O Lord, gives me souls, or takes my soul!” (George Whitefield)
One day, a student mentions in casual conversation that he enjoyed a kolo mee (famous noodle at Sarawak) at a new stall and think that I would like it too. A friend overhears me and another friend discussing whether or not to see movie Journey 2 and tell us that it was great. Both of these people are witnesses. They were witnessing. To witness is to tell about something you have experienced. The Gospel is like that; it is not just about a story to read but a story to experienced – and thus, to witness. The word ‘gospel’ is derived from two Anglo-Saxon words ‘God,’ meaning ‘good,’ and ‘spell,’ meaning ‘tidings’ or ‘history’. The ‘Gospel’ means the ‘good news’. And the Good News, my brothers and sisters, is meant to be share.
Share the Good News!
The very last thing Jesus told his disciples was, “you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8). Jesus was talking to His disciples before He went back to His Father. Even though Jesus was talking to His disciples, He was saying these words to us too right now – Personally, as you read this, to you. “You will be my witnesses” is both co-operate and personal privilege & responsibility. You can be a witness by telling others about Jesus and how His love has helped you. Being the receiver of this wonderful Gospel is not about getting into some exclusive-selected few-closed-door group. It is about experiencing something so wonderful (your personal encounter-relationship with the Living God, Jesus Christ – what can be more wonderful than this?) that you can’t wait to invite others to experience it too.
Share the Good News!
Anyone who follows Jesus has a story to tell. You have a story, a ‘redemption story’ about how God has found and rescued you from the bondage of sins. We has been set free, released, redeem, forgiven, made new and inhabited by the Holy Spirit. These stories of God’s work in your life are meant to help others to experience their freedom in Christ too. You should be ready to tell your story of how you come to know and learn to love Jesus. You don’t have to cook-up stories to make it more amazing, just share it from the heart. No story is boring when it begins with the greatest story of all – the Gospel, the Good News.
Sharing this good news requires no strategy or program or steps. The wise thing to do is to ask God to give you opportunities each day to tell about – and to show – God’s love. Be discerning whenever the Spirit prompts you to open your mouth and heart to share the Good News for the sake of others. Who knows? Perhaps after sharing your own story you might win a soul or two for the Kingdom of God. Daniel 12:3 says “Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.”May you shine!
Share the Good News!
By the end of the day, it was not up to us to convert anyone. Sharing we must, telling we should, guiding we ought but don’t force anyone to convert. Apostle Paul, the great evangelist, in 1 Corinthians 3:6 writes, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” Remember, God is the one who draws people to Himself. The most we can do is to ‘planted’ and to ‘watered’ the seed– the last call is God’s.
“Witness to the life-changing Jesus”, writes Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, “happens on the job and in the everyday comings and goings of life. The litmus test for witness is not simply by the ability to explain the good news. It is the way you live the good news.”
Therefore, Share and Live the Good News!

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