There was a man, physically small coming out from a books shop. At first, I thought that he was a circus clown but there was no paint on his face. He works there. In a short term judgment states, I asked a cynical question: "Why the manager hired him? Can he find someone that is more 'able' to do this job?" I confess that I'm thinking wrongly toward him. But you see, he was in charged to carry out big boxes from the storeroom. There was a big one. Almost as big as his body. What should I do? Laugh or help him? I made a decision... I sip of coffee. From a distance, I can see that he was able to do it. This is his pride, I don't want to under estimate him by my sympathy. He's small, yet he's able, he can do it and indeed, he's in-charge!
Another observation I saw was an amazing one. An old lady was walking through the books shop. Obviously she was looking for something. 'A book! Of course,' my mind said to my soul trying to be smart. For about 10 to 15 minutes later, she came out and I saw her carrying a small book. That was it? A small book! So I sip the last drops of coffee and went forward to the shop and really want to found out what kind of book she brought. It was a classic book. Among all the books that was displayed, she choose the classic, best-selling, and not to forget- small. Yes, precious books almost always writing in short and full of wisdom.
Are you feeling small today, physically small? And you said, 'This is why nobody likes me! This is why I can't do this and that! This is why I should quit and dreaming of being the best!' Take heart my friend, you maybe small, but you're able! You can be self-pity or you can use every strength and talent that you have to make it happen. The 'boxes' maybe big and heavy, but you heart is big and our God is Strong!
Are you feeling small today, mentally small? And you said, 'I can't do this... I'm from a poor family... I'm a loser... I'm too young or too old...' Straight up! Get your thinking right! Your values are not depending on your background, it depend of how you see yourself. Your value is not for men to rate; your value is priceless, purchased by the Blood on the Cross. The Mirror said you're flesh and blood, the Lord said, 'You're my precious child". 'Classic' statements? Yes! Simple and 'short'? Yes! Full of 'Wisdom'? Absolutely yes!

With his small row boat, he paddles off in a different direction, and disappears... Reepicheep, made a decision of a life time, small hero with a big heart finally living his dream, it's finally come true. He reaches to Aslan's Country.

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